关 键 词: 小学五年级 450字
字 数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://zw.liuxuequn.com
本作文是关于小学五年级450字的作文,题目为:《me and my country》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。
欢迎阅读《作文:me and my country》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“初一作文”,请随时关注!In a secondary school,there is a girl.She had black hair,black eyes and yellow skin.She is a chinese. She love her country as in her country she had her family.She love her country as she had a lot of friends,and lots of people which is kind.She loves her country as she thought her country is the best,she wants to repay her country as her country gives her so much,she wants to work for her country when she grows into an adult,she had a pocket of dreams. 来自:作文大全 She wants to be a teacher because she wants to spread her knowledge to her students ,to teach her country with all of the teachers .She wants to be a doctor bacause she wants to treat the ill,to work with all of the doctors and fight the disease.She wants to be a judge as she wants to bring happy and peace to her country. 来源:作文网 zw.liuxuequn.com She is such a little girl who loves her country,and that little girl is me. 《me and my country》这篇优秀的“初一作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。