关 键 词: 小学四年级 400字
字 数: 400字作文
本文适合: 小学四年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxuequn.com
My CiassroomMy Classroom is big is six lights two door one board one teacher''desk and six window.My schoolbagHow many books do you have ? l have a oneChinese book a math book note book and an English book.My FriendsI have a new friend ha name is yang changyi he is strong he is boy he is thin he likes computer gane.My HomeThis is my home is a two living rooms two kitchens one study six bed room and two bathroom.My FamilyMy Family is three peopie .Is my fother my mother and me .My fother is driver, my mother is doctor名师点评:小作者能够用英语写作文,这是非常不错的。小作者这五篇文章写得都不长,而且有些句子和单词也存在错误,小作者还需要继续努力哦!“Ciassroom”改为“Classroom”。“MyClassroomisbigissixlightstwodooroneboardoneteacher''deskandsixwindow”改为“My classroom is big.There are six lights,two doors,one board,one teacher''desk,and six windows”。“fother”改为“father”。(学乐中国特聘教师:王运连老师)2010-2-8 17:28:00