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狐狸舔羔羊,这是凶猛的迹象。 It is an evil sign that a fox licks a lamb.~~你在找类似的句子吗?下面是留学群精心整理的"英文名言简短唯美(通用40句)",欢迎你收藏本站,并关注网站更新!
1、 笑容不能成西施。 It is no beauty to smile.
2、 小益聚大财,薄利成巨富。 Small gains make great wealth.
3、 If you tell me you care, I'll wait till the cows come home.如果你告诉我你在乎,山穷水尽我也等。
4、Gentle to have, but not compromise, I want to be in quiet, not stron.
5、 不要拼命追利润。 Don39;t chase after profit.
6、 贫非耻,耻贫乃耻。 Poverty is not a shame,but the being ashamed of it is.
7、 身教胜于言教。 Example is better than precept.
10、 狗在家门前凶猛。 Every dog is valiant at his own door.
11、 见机行事。称热打铁。 Play it by ear. Weigh the hot iron.
12、 适可而止,过犹不及。 Enough is as good as too much.
13、 明珠莫投暗。 Cast not your pearls before swine.
14、 人要衣服,佛要金装。 Clothes make the man.
15、 博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥想苦想使人深刻而深刻,论证阐述使人头脑清晰。 Reading makes a full man,meditation a profound man,discourse a clear man.
16、 Every single one of them.Is my ocean.I believe that they will all come across each other somewhere.Storing my emotion and past.At the same time silent as ever.
17、 不要惹麻烦。 Let sleeping dogs lie.
19、 与其做坏人,不如做穷人。 Better be poor than wicked.
20、`heart hides what we cant say. but eyes say what we try to hide——心,会掩藏大家不能说的东西,但双眼,能讲出大家尝试掩藏的东西。
21、Actually I wanted to say on that day,Shall we never get apart,OK?
22、Everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason. If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are. 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。
23、Fading is true while flowering is past感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然
24、 例外可以反证法律。 The exception proves the rule.
25、`simple rules for happiness: free your heart from simply.give more.expect less——释放出来内心的憎恨;日常生活简单一点;投入多一点;希望少一点。
27、 向乞丐乞讨,永远不会发财。 Beg from beggars and you39;ll never be rich.
29、Those beautiful fish, they sleep also with your eyes open. Don't need love, also never cry. They are my role model.
30、 虽然舌头只有三寸长,但它可以杀死六尺汉。 The tongue is but three inches long,yet it can kill a man six feet high.
31、Ken for a man to pretend to be, is perhaps the most subtle love and sacrifice, smiling in tears.
32、 人们可以思考那些不敢说话的人。 One may think he dare not speak.
33、 大腹便便,头脑空虚。" Big belly,empty head."
34、 不知自爱的人也不会爱别人。 He that knows not love himself will not love others.
35、 笨拙的工具具差(人笨怨刀钝)。 A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
36、 贫穷是痛苦,但不是耻辱。 Poverty is a pain,but no disgrace.
37、Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't get married, love is dead have no resting-place.
38、 益友难得。 A good friend is seldom found.
39、 I am I, is not the same as the color of fireworks. 我就是我,是颜色不一样的烟火。
40、 狐狸舔羔羊,这是凶猛的迹象。 It is an evil sign that a fox licks a lamb.